The situation in conflict zones can change rapidly, so it’s essential to stay informed about the specific challenges and opportunities in the region you are concerned about. By supporting organizations and initiatives that focus on children’s education and well-being, you can make a positive difference in their lives, even in the midst of conflict.

Our Responsibility

Education Solution

StarLink can play a role in educating children affected by war through various means. While SpaceX’s primary focus is on space exploration and technology, there are indirect ways it can contribute to education and support for war-affected children


High-speed, low-latency broadband internet in remote and rural locations across the globe.


Provision of tablets with free apps for children and learning spaces for children who have lost their homes.


We provide a platform for learning that can lead to free qualifications or fee-based certificates. It depends on the pace of your studies and your grades.

Study at Your Own Place

Created by MIT and Harvard, edX offers free online courses from top schools and institutions, with optional paid certificates.

Features of Our Courses

Why Choose Us?

We are a non-profit company. We will always provide free or fee-based education, as well as the technology of the Starlink network, which spans the globe.We accept donations from taxpayers around the world to ensure that we have sufficient funds to support children living in war.

Free education provision

Assist governments in war zones to rebuild schools and provide free education.

Learn Online at Your Own Pace

Recommendations for quality educational resources around the world.

Professional Certification

We offer education on professionally accredited online education platforms, which also offer degrees.

Protecting the physical and mental health of children in war zones and providing free education as well as psychological counselling.

Children are often considered the greatest victims of war for several interconnected reasons